Monday, April 18, 2011

Point of View

Throughout this semester in this class I've truly enjoyed myself. I think out of my first year of classes this was definitely my favorite. I think we've brought up a lot of good decisions and issues that we are encountering in today's society or in the near future. I really enjoyed the reading of everything, I think it gave me a chance to sit back and really observer how I've been going about life . The two readings that I think had the greatest effect on everyone in class was Culture Jam and The Dumbest Generation, which both went hand in hand. Culture Jam was a really easy read and it really it hit a lot of important points it made us think about the way we go about doing things day by day. With The Dumbest Generation it really criticized our generation and bothered a lot of people but also at the same time made us think, do we fall subject to being the dumbest generation. This course has helped me tie literature together or put a realistic perspective on the things the book is talking about making the read much easier. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

NOmore Books!!!

If the world had no books I really don't think much would change as far as this day and age. Technology has gotten so advance that you can download or pretty much read any book online.  The downfall of not having any books would be the fact that children would need books for school or just for amusement. As far as me missing books I don't think it would make a  difference for me because I'm not much of a book reader unless I have to read other than that I find all I need to know on the web. In today's world we burn books by constantly using spark-notes or other websites that offer book summarizes to were we don't actually have to read the books. I believe books will become extinct eventually.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hunger is no Game!!

I thought Hunger Game was the second best book we've read in for this class. I think it was a easy read an it was very attention grabbing. I think that the author was very detailed creating each scene for you making sure you fully understand whats going on. I think that this book ties in well with other conversations we've had in class in the form of not having your own voice. Like in past conversations a lot of what we talk about is how we fall subject to being of the world and acting the same as everyone else. I think in Hunger Games everyone follows the way of life that the Capitol has formed just because it seems right or because its just the normal. Everyone in each District has their own mind and their own thoughts on whats right from wrong but they are frightened as to what consequences will be given for having their own opinion. When really if one individual would stand out most likely others will come front starting a movement or at least showing the Capitol that things must change.
I choose this link because I think it ties right in with Hunger Games!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Basketball Wives

Reality usually is never true reality. I think that when on a reality show these people act the way they do, but are asked to take it to further extremes. The show I chose to talk about is Basketball Wives, as you might have guessed its a show about the lives of women who are married or have been married to basketball players. The show is always filled with drama which is why its such a popular reality show. How they live seems pretty up to par with how you'd visualize a basketball wife to live, but the way they treat one another is what makes you think sometimes are they really going through this or is it just hyped up for tv. Within the show there isn't to much competition but they do all strive to look their best at all times. The two wives who start the most problems on this show are Jen an Evelyn where ever they are most likely drama comes about. Here's a prime example of  them scheming how to cause more drama
the first time I saw that i though is this really how they act or do they have to spice it up for tv because as grown women with children would u really be that concerned that you weren't invited to and event that u have to go as far as trying to crash and event. Its a bit childish and questionable. Although I question its reality at times I still love watching it, so I guess I'm a valuable piece to the "game."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lack of Privacy

I think that in today's society we have a good amount of privacy. Meaning that people only tell what they want to tell so if its truely something private it wouldn't get exposed, unless YOU expose it. Although with that I think our lack of privacy falls into place with all the technology (i.e. Facebook), which tells a lot of peoples business. At times people may find things out about you that you didn't want everyone to know. You felt comfortable displaying something through a email or message to someone, and next thing you know everybody know your problems/drama. So I think privacy is in our hands truely. If you want something to stay private you probably wouldn't display it to the world or post it on facebook. It would be something that stays between you and whomever you trust. I also think all in all privacy is just a touchy subject in itself.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Feed Within Me

If I had a "Feed" my four most played ads would be:

This would have to be a constant ad that would show for me. I love getting a new bra and I think with having bigger chest than the average girl this ad would definately persuade me more. I like maxium coverage and Playtex bra's usually give good support. I choose this particular commercial because I think by showing all the different designs and colors this ad draws me in closer.

I absolutely love snickers. I'm most certain this ad would pop up several times a day. As a college student I eat a lot of junk food I just grab and go and snickers is something I usually grab. In the commercial their ending statement about snicker satisfies that to me is so true. Snickers always leave me with a smile on my face.

Pepsi for me is the ultimate drink. I love how fizzy Pepsi is, the more fizz the better. I drink Pepsi along with my wonderful snickers they kind of go hand an hand. My favorite commercial for Pepsi is the one I chose simply because I love Pepsi, I love Beyonce, and I love J.Lo so all in all its just a all around GREAT commercial.

This for me is a must. I love, love, love music, its my get away or my piece of mind. I tend to listen to music when I'm in any type of mood and since there are so many different types of genres of music I tend to choose depending on how I'm feeling. I choose this commerical because when I listen to my Ipod the way they are expressing theirselves through dance is usually how I express myself. The "feed" would definately have this ad on repeat.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A World Without Technology

If I were to go a complete year without technology I could truly see myself going insane. Going from using technology every single day to no technology at all would take a huge toll on me. I think that I would try an figure out ways to get a hold of some sort of electronics (lol). I'm also not a very big fan of the outdoors so that alone would play a big role in the choice I would make to even attempt living without techonolgy. I think if I was to actually go through with it the experience would better me as a person. I think going through that transformation would have me see things in a different light. I'd be more aware of my surroundings and I wouldn't rely on technology as much once the experience is over. The experience would have me kill the "noise" or be more conscious of the "noise" instead of it playing a background, which could have me go further in the thing I'm trying to achieve. All in all I think its a positive, just a hard thing to do since I've become so accustom to the technologies and new ways of life.