Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lack of Privacy

I think that in today's society we have a good amount of privacy. Meaning that people only tell what they want to tell so if its truely something private it wouldn't get exposed, unless YOU expose it. Although with that I think our lack of privacy falls into place with all the technology (i.e. Facebook), which tells a lot of peoples business. At times people may find things out about you that you didn't want everyone to know. You felt comfortable displaying something through a email or message to someone, and next thing you know everybody know your problems/drama. So I think privacy is in our hands truely. If you want something to stay private you probably wouldn't display it to the world or post it on facebook. It would be something that stays between you and whomever you trust. I also think all in all privacy is just a touchy subject in itself.


  1. I agree with that, when people put something on Facebook or Myspace they should expect it to be viewed by people.

  2. I totally agree with you. I think we have our own privacy if we keep it that way. Once you post one little think on your facebook, or myspace the whole world could know. I think it is up to the person on how much privacy they want their lives to have.

  3. You Made a good point saying how we give up a lot of information that we don't have to but we don't even think about it.

  4. I agree a lot of people are willing to share their personal information all over the internet. Its almost like the world is becoming desensitized to lack of privacy. It does not really phase some people.

  5. Interesting point about our choice in sharing information. Jill, your comment about "becoming desensitized to lack of privacy" is extremely insightful as well.

  6. Hey Tai, I realized that you none of us have ur email or anything since u werent there the first day our group met in class this semester. Mine is If you get anything done with the project feel free to email me. Also email katie because she has the powerpoint. Hers is I emailed my part to everyone the other day, so if you could tell me yours I can forward it to you as well. Have a great spring break. cya
