Friday, February 11, 2011

A World Without Technology

If I were to go a complete year without technology I could truly see myself going insane. Going from using technology every single day to no technology at all would take a huge toll on me. I think that I would try an figure out ways to get a hold of some sort of electronics (lol). I'm also not a very big fan of the outdoors so that alone would play a big role in the choice I would make to even attempt living without techonolgy. I think if I was to actually go through with it the experience would better me as a person. I think going through that transformation would have me see things in a different light. I'd be more aware of my surroundings and I wouldn't rely on technology as much once the experience is over. The experience would have me kill the "noise" or be more conscious of the "noise" instead of it playing a background, which could have me go further in the thing I'm trying to achieve. All in all I think its a positive, just a hard thing to do since I've become so accustom to the technologies and new ways of life.


  1. I agree with you. I think I would go insane as well. I think I could last maybe two to three weeks out in the woods, but I don't think I could handle it.

  2. I like how you refer to it as a "transformation." I am interested to hear more about why you think it would still be a positive experience. How would it give you insight into your life? Do you think it would change your perceptions of the world around you?

  3. It would definitely be hard. I think it would make us realize that we use technology even more than we think. Also, how it makes our lives so much easier. An experience like that would definitely make everyone appreciate the technology we have, or it would maybe teach us to not rely on it so much.

  4. I like how you discuss the noise because that would be a huge variable to consider

  5. Especially if you got used to the woods... Being away from all of the "noise" for so long would most likely make it difficult to adjust back to the technological world.
