Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dumbest Generation

I would have to say I am totally a product of the "Dumbest Generation". I fall subject to many of the things that were said in Bauerleins' article. In today's age a young person would know what is going on, on Jersey Shore before knowing what is going on with the government. This generation was brought up with new technology coming out every other day so we've grown to look for newest things out. We've also become very materialistic worrying about how to out do the next person instead of trying to further education. "Just technology isn't at fault, but also newly indulgent attitudes among parent, educators , and other mentors," was a quote I chose from Bauerleins' article, which I find very true instead of parents telling their children to get off the web or get from in front of the television you'll find them sometimes encouraging this behavior. Or they may not encourage it but they don't discourage it either. In this generation young people have gained a lot of freedom and tend to get rapped up in the worldly things rather than what's taking place in the classroom.


  1. I think that in some way or another, at least one of Bauerlein's arguments applies to everyone; not just our generation. This is especially true when it comes to technology because most people have cell phones. It is hard not to fall subject to this just because technology plays such a dominate role in society and everyday life.

  2. I can say that I am guilty sending a child in front of a TV just so I can do something that I want also.

  3. I put my baby in front of "Baby Einstein" videos...(cause they're smart...right?) when I need a half an hour to clean the house.

  4. I agree that we are all guilty at some point of this, but I do think he stereotyped a little to much.

  5. I agree with Kayla, you simply can't generalize when it comes to people under 30, because there are SO MANY different people with different interests out there.
