Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lack of Privacy

I think that in today's society we have a good amount of privacy. Meaning that people only tell what they want to tell so if its truely something private it wouldn't get exposed, unless YOU expose it. Although with that I think our lack of privacy falls into place with all the technology (i.e. Facebook), which tells a lot of peoples business. At times people may find things out about you that you didn't want everyone to know. You felt comfortable displaying something through a email or message to someone, and next thing you know everybody know your problems/drama. So I think privacy is in our hands truely. If you want something to stay private you probably wouldn't display it to the world or post it on facebook. It would be something that stays between you and whomever you trust. I also think all in all privacy is just a touchy subject in itself.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Feed Within Me

If I had a "Feed" my four most played ads would be:

This would have to be a constant ad that would show for me. I love getting a new bra and I think with having bigger chest than the average girl this ad would definately persuade me more. I like maxium coverage and Playtex bra's usually give good support. I choose this particular commercial because I think by showing all the different designs and colors this ad draws me in closer.

I absolutely love snickers. I'm most certain this ad would pop up several times a day. As a college student I eat a lot of junk food I just grab and go and snickers is something I usually grab. In the commercial their ending statement about snicker satisfies that to me is so true. Snickers always leave me with a smile on my face.

Pepsi for me is the ultimate drink. I love how fizzy Pepsi is, the more fizz the better. I drink Pepsi along with my wonderful snickers they kind of go hand an hand. My favorite commercial for Pepsi is the one I chose simply because I love Pepsi, I love Beyonce, and I love J.Lo so all in all its just a all around GREAT commercial.

This for me is a must. I love, love, love music, its my get away or my piece of mind. I tend to listen to music when I'm in any type of mood and since there are so many different types of genres of music I tend to choose depending on how I'm feeling. I choose this commerical because when I listen to my Ipod the way they are expressing theirselves through dance is usually how I express myself. The "feed" would definately have this ad on repeat.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A World Without Technology

If I were to go a complete year without technology I could truly see myself going insane. Going from using technology every single day to no technology at all would take a huge toll on me. I think that I would try an figure out ways to get a hold of some sort of electronics (lol). I'm also not a very big fan of the outdoors so that alone would play a big role in the choice I would make to even attempt living without techonolgy. I think if I was to actually go through with it the experience would better me as a person. I think going through that transformation would have me see things in a different light. I'd be more aware of my surroundings and I wouldn't rely on technology as much once the experience is over. The experience would have me kill the "noise" or be more conscious of the "noise" instead of it playing a background, which could have me go further in the thing I'm trying to achieve. All in all I think its a positive, just a hard thing to do since I've become so accustom to the technologies and new ways of life.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dumbest Generation

I would have to say I am totally a product of the "Dumbest Generation". I fall subject to many of the things that were said in Bauerleins' article. In today's age a young person would know what is going on, on Jersey Shore before knowing what is going on with the government. This generation was brought up with new technology coming out every other day so we've grown to look for newest things out. We've also become very materialistic worrying about how to out do the next person instead of trying to further education. "Just technology isn't at fault, but also newly indulgent attitudes among parent, educators , and other mentors," was a quote I chose from Bauerleins' article, which I find very true instead of parents telling their children to get off the web or get from in front of the television you'll find them sometimes encouraging this behavior. Or they may not encourage it but they don't discourage it either. In this generation young people have gained a lot of freedom and tend to get rapped up in the worldly things rather than what's taking place in the classroom.