Monday, April 18, 2011

Point of View

Throughout this semester in this class I've truly enjoyed myself. I think out of my first year of classes this was definitely my favorite. I think we've brought up a lot of good decisions and issues that we are encountering in today's society or in the near future. I really enjoyed the reading of everything, I think it gave me a chance to sit back and really observer how I've been going about life . The two readings that I think had the greatest effect on everyone in class was Culture Jam and The Dumbest Generation, which both went hand in hand. Culture Jam was a really easy read and it really it hit a lot of important points it made us think about the way we go about doing things day by day. With The Dumbest Generation it really criticized our generation and bothered a lot of people but also at the same time made us think, do we fall subject to being the dumbest generation. This course has helped me tie literature together or put a realistic perspective on the things the book is talking about making the read much easier. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

NOmore Books!!!

If the world had no books I really don't think much would change as far as this day and age. Technology has gotten so advance that you can download or pretty much read any book online.  The downfall of not having any books would be the fact that children would need books for school or just for amusement. As far as me missing books I don't think it would make a  difference for me because I'm not much of a book reader unless I have to read other than that I find all I need to know on the web. In today's world we burn books by constantly using spark-notes or other websites that offer book summarizes to were we don't actually have to read the books. I believe books will become extinct eventually.